Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Extraordinary meeting, Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Thursday, 8th November, 2018 6.00 pm (Item 84.)

Having considered the valid call-in request and written and verbal submissions heard during the meeting the Committee will consider the recommendations set out in the report.


Having considered the call in request and response Members were then asked to consider the recommendations set out in the report and were asked to vote on each point of the call-in request in turn, whether they wished the call-in point to be overruled or to refer the matter back to Cabinet.


Point One

Concerns regarding the business case which were discussed recently at the Resources Policy Advisory Group on 25 September 2018. Two Members at this meeting expressed concern over the assumptions of usage and consequently whether this scheme was a good use of taxpayer’s money.


Committee Members made the following comments:-


·       Councils provided a public service and needed to charge reasonable prices for car parking, not to make excessive profits.

·       The new car park was being proposed because a demand for additional parking had been established by a number of surveys. Future building in Gerrards Cross would create additional demand for parking and parking was important for a thriving local economy.

·       This project was a good use of taxpayers money.


Councillor Kelly proposed that the call-in be overruled on this point which was seconded by Councillor Egleton and following a vote it was resolved that the call-in be overruled for point one.


Point Two - Communications and consultation with local residents


Committee Members commented as well as the statutory consultation as part of the planning application process, communication and consultation had been undertaken on two occasions, involving the Town Council. Whilst Members appreciated that some residents had not felt involved in the process there were no rules which set out how the consultation should be conducted.


Councillor Bezzant proposed that the call-in be overruled on this point which was seconded by Councillor Kelly and following a vote it was resolved that the call-in be overruled for point two.


Point Three

Concerns regarding the amount of money being borrowed for the Project and the risks associated with this, should be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, particularly bearing in mind the possibility of Local Government reorganisation.


Committee Members were satisfied that the business case and risks had been fully considered by Cabinet, including the sensitivity analysis.


Councillor Bezzant proposed that the call-in be overruled on this point which was seconded by Councillor Kelly and following a vote it was resolved that the call-in be overruled for point three.


Point Four

Concerns that the full details of alternative schemes and options have not been fully considered by Members and the reasons for rejecting them e.g. a mixed use scheme would be more appropriate for the locality and proportionate to the actual likely demand for car parking, which could reduce in the future due to new technology.


Committee Members considered that a number of alternative options had been discussed and the consultant’s report had demonstrated a need for additional car parking, however the other options presented would not meet that need as well as the proposed solution and therefore this proposal should be taken forward as the preferred option.


Councillor Bastiman proposed that the call-in be overruled on this point which was seconded by Councillor Lewis and following a vote it was resolved that the call-in be overruled for point four.


Therefore it was:-


RESOLVED that the call-in be overruled which allowed the Cabinet’s decision relating to Station Road Car Park in Gerrards Cross to stand and for implementation to proceed.